
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4141

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Alex Edwards

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection for the following reasons:
- loss of sporting facilities and impact his will have on the local community
- increase in traffic and associated risk to pedestrians, esp young children
- increased pressure/demand on schools and doctors
- previously denied planning permission

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Development 18 at site on the current rugby club off Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull
I live at 6 Claverdon close, Solihull. B91 1QP
I am a local resident, and wish to raise my objections to the proposed development on the current rugby club site off Sharmans Cross Road in Solihull.
I am a cover teacher at a local school and I also work with young people at the local air cadet unit. I am very concerned that the proposal to build houses on what is currently a sporting facility will have a detrimental effect on the local youngsters as there is already a shortage of pitches within Solihull and this inevitably results in children not being able to participate in sports. Having looked in to this matter I am concerned to note that it has been reported that in Solihull participation in sports for the over 16's age group is continuing to fall in national league tables.
The obvious increase in the volume of traffic on the nearby roads will also lead to an increased risk, especially to the children aged 7-11 who walk or cycle (many unaccompanied by parents) to attend Sharmans Cross Junior School. The road is busy enough as it is, and simply cannot sustain any increase in the volume of traffic especially at the peak school times.
In addition, as I am sure you are well aware the current schools and medical centres are already over stretched and oversubscribed, and a further increase in the level of demand for these facilities cannot be accommodated.
I would point out that previous applications for this site to be developed were refused and withdrawn, and I would ask that you listen to the local community and also reject this current proposal.