
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4144

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Janice Whittlesey

Representation Summary:

Site 1 Objection for the following reasons:
- not convinced that consideration has been given to developing brownfield sites elsewhere or that building on the green belt constitutes 'exceptional circumstances'
-the lack of consideration for infrastructure improvements
-public transport links are insufficient
-centre of Balsall Common will certainly require improvement - parking, banks, etc
- concerned about the a proposed access to the Barratt's Farm site being on Meeting House Lane.

Full text:

I am writing to give my views on Solihull Council's draft housing plan and its impact on Balsall Common - my location.

* In planning to locate 1350 homes in Balsall Common, I'm not convinced that consideration has been given to developing brownfield sites elsewhere or that building on the green belt constitutes 'exceptional circumstances'
* I am extremely concerned about the lack of consideration for infrastructure improvements. These should include the impact on schools and the doctors' surgery as well as provision of services - water, electricity, gas etc.
* I also feel that public transport links are insufficient which will necessitate a huge increase in the use of cars in and around the village.
* The centre of Balsall Common will certainly require improvement to accommodate a massive increase in the number of people using it. Currently parking in the centre is a nightmare and by June we will only have one bank left. These are things which need to be considered before starting to build more homes.
* I am very concerned about the a proposed access to the Barratt's Farm site being on Meeting House Lane. For a lot of its length, the lane has no footpath and an increase in traffic along the lane will certainly constitute a major hazard to pedestrians and other users.