
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4152

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Cathy Morrey

Representation Summary:

General concerns about the level of development in balsall common and the impact this will have on the quality of life for residents.
concerns about local roads (sunnyside lane) being used as rat runs.

Full text:

In response to your draft housing plan I have several concerns regarding Balsall Common, Barrett's Farm site.

Balsall Common seems to have had a huge amount of housing built over the last 30 years, with large housing Estates on Kemps Green , The Grange and Hall Meadow .

I am sure this is more than other villages around Solihull. This is also without the huge amount of infill as well.

It is the proposal of 800 houses on Barrett's Farm ( Green Belt ) that concerns me the most however.

The village road network will struggle to cope with possibly 1600 extra cars just from this one development. ( 2 cars per house hold ).

I live in Sunnyside Lane were every house hold has a minimum of two cars so the new estates will be no different.

Sunnyside Lane and Barretts Lane at the moment provide the only access to this site.

Sunnyside Lane is already a rat run with cars speeding up the road and some even going round the roundabout the wrong way in their haste to get to their destination.

I am worried that for ease and cheapness these roads will be used as the access point.

We already have the HS2 planned for just down the road as well.