
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4181

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Andrew Dellbridge

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection with photos of traffic
Site 18 Objection for the following reasons:
- loss of sporting facilities and impact his will have on the local community
- increase in traffic and associated risk to pedestrians, esp young children
- increased pressure/demand on schools and doctors
- proposed development is not in keeping with the surrounding area/character

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

Dear Sir/madam

I am writing in relation to the Proposed Housing Allocation 18 detailed within the Local Development Plan (LDP). As a resident on Sharmans Cross Road for some 10 years now, I am deeply opposed to the plans for the following reasons:

1. Traffic on Shamans Cross Road is already causing us residents and users of the road significant issues.

The volume of traffic, especially at peak times is clearly exceeding capacity - the combination of parents parking to drop off their children at Sharmans Cross School, customers parking for the Solihull Orthodontic Centre (their car park is too small), courier vans dropping off supplies to the Solihull Orthodontic Centre, various buses and peak traffic in and out of Solihull causes huge issues at peak times. As a result, motorists (including bus and lorry drivers) are mounting the grass verges and driving across pavements and residents' drives in order to get through. [See attached photos from just one morning]

I have 3 children, 2 who attend Streetsbrook Infants School, and that walk along Sharmans Cross Road to their school and back is extremely dangerous - with cars and buses mounting the pavements with 2 wheels. We have already been working with the Council to understand what can be done - so far that's only been a temporary speed camera - which did not tackle the issue at all! We're led to believe the Council does not want to put in place street furniture (wooden posts etc) along the pavements or verges which would obviously help protect the children walking to the various schools in the area.

The current dangers to pedestrians is already unacceptable. The impact of building an additional 100 homes will increase the dangers to pedestrians and cyclists (as this is a designated cycle route) as a result of increased volumes of traffic and parking. I understand the Arden Club will lose 75 parking spaces as a result of these plans so will no doubt increase the need for street parking.

2. Loss of sports facilities

Again with 3 children, my aim as a parent is to ensure they are kept active and healthy and do not add to the alarming obesity statistics haunting the UK. I moved to Solihull from London to start a family as I believed it was overall a better environment to do that - better housing, schools, urban and yet close to the countryside etc. I am however deeply disappointed to learn the fact that Solihull is in the 3rd quartile nationally for over-16 participation in sport three times per week and is continuing to fall down the tables.

I am sure I do not need to point out that the area impacted by this development is one of five sports grounds at risk in the LDP. I would also like you investigate claims I've heard about Oakmoor Estates, who are stopping local teams play on the grounds by charging unrealistic fees for the use.

For a 'boom town' and somewhere that's previously been voted the best place to live in the UK, the loss of sporting facilities and a worsening national position feels like a significant gap in the overall strategy for Solihull going forwards.

3. Character of our neighbourhood

Sharmans Cross Road is considered one of Solihull's premier roads and I fell for the character of the road, the mature trees that line it and the spacing of the property etc. 100 houses is an unacceptable over development of this site and will be a degradation of this road's charm and character. It is also inevitable, looking at other developments around, that properties will be more than 2 stories leading to a loss of privacy and light.

If you then consider what I highlighted in my first point above - increased volume of traffic and more street parking - then this road will very quickly lose it's charm.

4. Schooling

Up until recently, I was a member of the PTA at Streetsbrook school, so I know this school is already at capacity. Compared to Birmingham Council, the schools in Solihull are already on the back foot, receiving less funding per student. My 3 children will soon start progressing to Sharmans Cross School. Sharmans Cross School already concerns me - the building and grounds are very tired and in need of some modernisation. How can our local schools cope with yet more demand?

I would like you to take my objections and concerns regarding this proposed development very seriously for the reasons I've highlighted above. Finally, I would like reassurance and confirmation in writing please that this proposed development does not violate any local, strategic, regional or national planning policies and is being fully considered against the guidance laid out by the Government's National Planning Policy Framework.

Kind Rgds