
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4209

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Professor David Walton

Representation Summary:

Concerned about lack of significance given to green belt designation if it can be so easily cast aside and precedence for further growth, developments proposed will change the nature of Balsall Common from semi-rural to more town-like, it is hard to tell if the necessary improvements to local services and facilities including schools, medical services, water, sewage, power, public transport, car parking and roads are in hand and will be synchronised with development, roads are narrow and awkward which will become worse unless pre-empted, and little mention of HS2 despite proximity and impacts.

Full text:

The deadline for comments is later tonight, and I have contributed to discussions organised by Balsall Common and Berkswell Parish Councils, which I hope will make the appropriate points, but I would like to add a few comments. I do not have the plan to hand and so am commenting from memory.

It is hard to see the significance of the designation of "green belt", since it seems to be easily cast aside, and once development is allowed to start then it proliferates more and more. I once lived in West Swindon, at the time when it wildly mushroomed, which has given me a bad feeling about what might happen to Balsall Common. The whole nature of the place will change as it becomes concreted over, and that term is not an exaggeration if every green space around the village has been built on. People who have come to Balsall Common to enjoy its semi-rural nature cannot be happy if it becomes more town-like.

It is important to ensure that local services and facilities keep pace with increasing demand, this includes schools, doctors, dentists, water supply, sewage, power supply, public transport, car parking and road access. It is hard to tell from the plan whether the necessary upgrades and improvements are in hand, and whether they will be synchronised with changes in the village. No doubt roads to new housing will be laid down at the right time, but will knock-on effects nearby be taken into account? Earlier today I drove from Balsall Common south along the A4177 towards Honiley, and came across a vehicle trying to turn right from the main road (Meer End Road) on to Honiley Road. The vehicle was stationary in the middle of the road on a tight left hand bend. I have driven this route hundreds of times before and rarely come up on a stationary car at that place, but I note that there is a new roundabout a little way along this part of Honiley Road with a new road sign to Jaguar Landrover, so maybe this is attracting new traffic turning from the main road. This shows how a single modification to a road can create a potential hazard, and I am worried that the considerable traffic that must be generated by the proposed new housing in the local plan will cause problems at corners and junctions throughout the whole of Balsall Common. So will the Council pre-empt such problems by making improvements in advance? There are many narrow roads in the area and it can be awkward enough at the moment when several vehicles happen to meet. The situation must get worse.

Regarding the plan, there seemed little mention of the possible effects of the proposed new high-speed rail line, even though it passes close to Balsall Common and is to be elevated over the existing railway.

I have run out of time, and apologise for hurry, but it would be good to see positive plans set in place for necessary infrastructure improvements.
Yours sincerely,