
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4216

Received: 18/02/2017

Respondent: Dominic Griffin

Representation Summary:

The site is Green Belt. It will have negative impacts on the quality of life of the residents of NE Balsall Common. This area is physically constrained by the location of the current railway, a low bridge and the proposed plans for HS2. The layout does not take into account the existence of HS2, which will mean any construction will have to take place further away from the railway line, and closer to the current village.
Also impact on flora and fauna and health and well being of local residents who use the land for recreation.

Full text:

additional email text to supplement online submission
With regards to the Solihull Draft Local plan, please could you consider the following points:

1. Balsall Common is already an overcrowded town, with a experiencing the strain on local resources (schools, traffic and public transport) of its current population. If the intention is to build 1350 more houses this will only increase the difficulties the residents already face.

2. Barretts farm has a proposal for the construction of 800 houses. This is in Green Belt, in direct opposition to the the Boroughs stated intention to protect the Green Belt. It will have an immense negative impact on the quality of life of the residents of NE Balsall Common. This area is physically constrained by the location of the current railway, the low bridge heading down to Truggist lane, and the proposed plans for HS2.
The architects who have designed a plan for the land owner have not taken into account the existence of HS2, which will mean any construction will have to take place further away from the railway line, and closer to the current village.

3. Whilst the borough does need homes, they also need to be located where the jobs are. This will not be in Balsall Common, as there is only limited employment opportunities in the town. Building 800 houses close to the railway Station will mean it becomes a dormitory for commuters heading to London on the convenient London Midland service, thus denying the Borough housing for its current residents.

4. Changes to green belt. This has a direct impact on the biodiversity of the flora and fauna in the area and to the health and well being of local residents who have used this land for recreational use for many years.