
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4229

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Trevor Smallwood

Representation Summary:

Object to Site 9 as proposal of poor quality, lacks rigour, fails to address many of the key issues associated with development such as infrastructure provision, and will create an unsustainable situation. Adds full support to KDBH Forum response.

Full text:

I wish to object very strongly to the Solihull Draft Local Plan.

I am extremely concerned and surprised that the plan is of such poor quality. A plan of this nature must be developed in the most rigorous manner - this one definitely has not been. It fails to address many of the key issues associated with such developments. Broad aspects of infrastructure is just one example. Implementation of the plan will create, quite demonstrably, an unsustainable situation.

I am very concerned that my Council should publish such a lazy, ill thought through plan for such a large scale development. I believe that it should be immediately withdrawn and the planners sent back to the drawing board. We all deserve a much better and more professional plan than this!

I have read the draft response of the KDBH Neighbourhood Forum and I would like to add my full support to that document.

Several years ago, when I lived in the Thames Valley, local Councils used a case study for training purposes. The case study was entitled "How To Get It Wrong". The case study was based upon a very unfavourable critique of the development of Knowle by SMBC!!!!!!! Enough is enough - we must get this one right!

Please scrap this plan.