
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4245

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Lianda Roach

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 as will result in loss of recreational paths and area, trees and wildlife, and area should be conserved for its wildlife habitats.

Full text:

Dear Solihull council ,

I was dismayed to learn that there are plans made to build on the land at the back of Tanworth lane and Bills lane. I have been using the footpath and bridle path for many years and have concerns regarding building on this land due to all the fantastic wildlife and beautiful Trees I see daily on my walks. I have seen badgers, bats, woodpeckers, Jays , Sparrowhawks, Herons, cuckoos to name a few. Please can you advise what is being put in place to conserve this wildlife and its habitat ?

Kind Regards,