
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4272

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Ms Emma Harris

Representation Summary:

There is insufficient existing infrastructure to support the proposed increase in housing in Balsall Common, which will exacerbate traffic congestion at peak times, result in increased difficulty parking and overstretched local amenities, reduce desirability and character of village, and impact on environment and loss of open space.

Full text:

Ref: Solihull Council's draft housing plan

In response to the communication regarding Solihull councils plans to build 1350 more house in balsall common, I would like to record the following comments:

There is not sufficient existing infrastructure to support this increase in residential properties which will result in a significant population increase. It is already difficult to park, local amenities are already stretched in the local centre and traffic becomes extremely congested at peak times of travel, 7 days a week.

I moved to balsall common as it provided a 'village feel' due to the presence of open spaces and a small population. This will reduce the popularity of balsall common as a desired location for the population increases will result in the area becoming contested and the area will lose this feel.

In addition, the possibility that hallmeadow road may become a by-pass is extremely distressing. This is extremely concerning not only in terms of the increase in traffic this will lead to but also noise and pollution levels. I am also concerned in terms of the environmental impact and the removal of open spaces.

I submit for your consideration.