
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4310

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Jane Howe

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as relocation of Arden club unacceptable on leasehold land as no means to raise funds for repairs, would make parking at peak times even more difficult and likely to spill out onto Sharmans Cross Road, and although land needs something to happen to it 100 houses is not the solution.

Full text:

Sharmans Cross developement

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to raise my concern over the planning application for development of the land on Sharmans Cross Road, previously used as a rugby pitch and now owned by Oakmoor . I am a longstanding member of Solihull Ardern club
I have several concerns:
1 I have heard that Oakmoor want to build there houses on our land and build us a new clubhouse on the leashold land. I have a real objection on that. I do not want the club on leasehold land as we would have no means of funding repairs if we need to loan money.

2 Parking for club members would be greatly effected. It is hard to get a parking space at peak times now so it would be impossible with a 100 house built on the adjacent land. This would then spill onto parking onto Shamans Cross Road which would cause chaos. It is bad enough when the schools finish.

Although I agree the land at the moment is an eyesore and needs something to happen with it, I do not believe build 100 houses is a solution.