
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4314

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Martin Protty

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as will exacerbate already bad traffic in area following developments at Dickens Heath and Aqueduct Road, main routes are rural and converge for example at the Drawbridge which already causes gridlock into Haslucks Green Road, compounded by flooding at Peterbrook Road/Aqueduct Road junction and new housing, whilst Trumans Heath Road is rural, subject to flooding and steep and icy in winter, road infrastructure, schools and medical services inadequate, and other bottlenecks at shops on Haslucks Green Road and road works creating hazard for pedestrians, parking at stations inadequate and results in loss of sports facilities.

Full text:

Extension to Dickens Heath
Dear Sir or madam.

As a resident in Majors Green I am totally and most strongly opposed to the new plans to extend Dickens Heath.

The traffic in the area is already bad due to the existing Dickens Heath and new houses alongside the canal near Aqueduct Road, but even without these was already stretched to the limit......I know I live with it every day.

I live on Drawbridge Road and the main routes connecting us to the rest of the Shirley/Solihull world are rural and all converge. One of the convergences is the Drawbridge which especially during the summer can be raised a high percentage of the time causing bottle necks and tail backs both sides. The spill over into Haslucks Green Road as well as it being blocked off by those waiting to turn right at the Drawbridge already gridlocks the area. To compound this in wet weather Haslucks Green Road and the junction between Peterbrook and Aqueduct all flood creating further disruption.

The house on Aqueduct were already ill conceived as it was partially a flood area and now the water due to houses and tarmac will have to run off elsewhere into the system so worse flooding in the future.

The other link road is into Trumans Heath again part of the dreaded Majors Green Triangle again which is rural open to floods and in winter steep and icy so another bottle neck.

It doesn't take a great brain to see the coming horrendous impact of more house all converging into an already over capacity area.

The key to all this is the word Rural and funnily enough means that the road infrastructure is not present not to mention facilities such as doctors dentists schools etc... Bavistock is closing so Woodrush and whoever will have to cope. The traffic near woodrush is already gridlocked during school hours which is not an overstatement if any councillors wish to try and drive through during school hours.

The shops on Haslucks green road are another bottle neck that with more through traffic will also be at a standstill. Again the link a steep hill over a railway line which has had road works on and off every other year. Without the road works the nature of the steep hill combined with sharp bend and little pavement is already a death trap. I have had two visitors on separate occasions be hit by the wing mirrors of cars even though they are in fact walking on the pavement. Also the walk down to aqueduct that my partner used to do to take my youngest to Mill Lodge was without pavement part of the way and again she had nearly been hit several times. With the increase in traffic again this will only be exasperated and it is already a death waiting to happen and I am not exaggerating!!

I haven't even mention Shirley Station and Whitlocks End which parking and surrounding vicinity was to cater for a rural community not a large urban cannot suddenly change that due to the demographics for the most part are fixed and impervious to enlargement, canal, railroad and encompassing houses to road side.

I am dismayed that the football clubs have been sold to make way for this coming disaster again erosion of the community and less areas for the children to get some exercise away from Xboxes and the like...disgusting in my opinion.

Please take a proper look at the area roads and infrastructure and it is plain to see it is already not coping so any more influx will be a disaster for those that will have to live with it!!!!!!!

Best Regards