
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4316

Received: 27/02/2017

Respondent: Roger W Ball

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as density out of keeping with area and will exacerbate traffic volumes which often result in gridlock, extra traffic will impact on pedestrians and school children going to nearby schools, will increase demands on local schools and medical services, will result in loss of more sporting facilities despite Council policy to retain in sports use, and loss of green space and wildlife.

Full text:

LDF - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

With regards to the above proposed housing allocation I feel I must forward my objections on the following grounds:

The density of the proposed development is totally out of keeping with with the area and the impact of such density will greatly add to the volume of traffic in the area. I use Sharmans Cross Road on a regular basis to visit our son and I have experienced the high volume of traffic. In fact it is often grid locked, the traffic a further 100 houses will generate entering and exiting into Sharmans Cross Road will cause extra major traffic problems, not only to drivers but pedestrians and cyclists - including children on their way to and from the local schools. There is also the impact this density of building will have on the locals schools, doctors and so on.

I am also very concerned with the loss of more sporting facilities, despite Solihull Council minuting in 2013 that they would not sell the freehold of any land used exclusive for sport - which this land was. All this and that's without mentioning the importance of the green space and wild life in the area

Before any final decision is made I think all of the above should be taken into account, as it obviously hasn't been.