
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 456

Received: 26/01/2017

Respondent: Ruth Walmsley

Representation Summary:

objection to site 13 on the basis that it will lead to increasing pressure on existing infrastructure.

Full text:

I am horrified to learn of the proposed new development off Tamworth Lane. As a person who has children at Woodlands School and use the area for commuting and also Running this is such a shock. The roads are almost always gridlocked around there and the waiting times to see a doctor are already horrendous. I have chosen to live in this area which resource wise is already stretched, add another 3000 people to the area how on earth are our roads and facilities going to cope. Surely a development of this size should at least bring with it better facilities not to take away and diminish what we already have.

Please reconsider this plan.