
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 459

Received: 27/01/2017

Respondent: Mary Davis

Representation Summary:

development of this site will lead to mass overcrowding, removal of amenity space for the local community and suggest that alternative sites be sought in Dorridge

Full text:

Woodloes Road - Proposed new housing development
I am writing with regard to the proposed new housing development at Woodloes Road.

I cannot believe that this has been put forward. People, like myself, have bought property in this road because of the outlook that we have. It's a beautiful area and all that will happen is mass overcrowding. Are more schools going to be built to take account of the extra families in the area? Children love to play on the green open area along Woodloes Road which is a lovely open space. People of all ages walk their dogs through the fields. I, myself, go for plenty of walks through the fields and along the pathway out on to Bills Lane. This will all disappear. I don't want to walk through a housing estate!

I know that development has to go ahead but surely there are plenty of areas that can accommodate this without overcrowding our estate. We already struggle for parking! I have heard mention that there is room for development in Dorridge? So why can't it go ahead there?

I hope for all the residents of Woodloes Road and surrounding roads, this development does not go ahead.