
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 460

Received: 27/01/2017

Respondent: Mr Surinder Teja

Representation Summary:

In reference to - Proposed Housing Allocation 3 - Windmill Lane / Kenilworth Road.
The paddock at Kerly Close is privately owned and maintained by the residents and therefore should be removed from the Draft Local Plan. As a resident and owner of the paddock I don't want it to be removed from the Green Belt.
I would also like to personally object to the proposed housing expansion within Balsall Common. Balsall Common is a village location and the proposed housing expansion plans are too large for the village to cope with as regards to infrastructure, schooling and local services.

Full text:

In reference to - Proposed Housing Allocation 3 - Windmill Lane / Kenilworth Road.

The paddock at Kerly Close is privately owned and maintained by the residents and therefore should be removed from the Draft Local Plan. As a resident and owner of the paddock I do not want it to be removed from the Green Belt. We have restrictive covenants on the paddock as to its use and future development. If future housing development should take place on the "triangle" beyond the paddock, we will require the Council to provide suitable screening and/or planting around the paddock in order to reduce environmental noise and disturbance and to also ensure that any access to the paddock is secure and only for resident's use.

I would also like to personally object to the proposed housing expansion within Balsall Common. Balsall Common is a village location and the proposed housing expansion plans are too large for the village to cope with as regards to infrastructure, schooling and local services. Windmill Lane and Kenilworth Road will become gridlocked with cars, there needs to be some consideration for residents, which is something I cannot see within your plans.