
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 467

Received: 28/01/2017

Respondent: Mrs Jane Carbray

Representation Summary:

The proposed housing sites at the west of Dickens Heath and south of Shirley should not be included due to the following reasons: loss of open countryside around the rural village of Dickens Heath; loss of the rural character of Dickens Heath; significant adverse impacts on the natural environment due to loss of ancient woodlands at Little Tyburn and Birch Leasow Coppice; significant negative impacts on the local biodiversity due to loss of hedgerows, mature native trees and ponds, and also potential for loss of habitats that support legally protected species including great crested newts, badger setts and bat roosts.

Full text:

The proposed housing sites at the west of Dickens Heath and south of Shirley should not be included due to the following reasons: loss of open countryside around the rural village of Dickens Heath; loss of the rural character of Dickens Heath; significant adverse impacts on the natural environment due to loss of ancient woodlands at Little Tyburn and Birch Leasow Coppice; significant negative impacts on the local biodiversity due to loss of hedgerows, mature native trees and ponds, and also potential for loss of habitats that support legally protected species including great crested newts, badger setts and bat roosts.