
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4687

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Gill Corns

Representation Summary:

- A view is emerging that a new school could be of benefit to the community but the price to pay for those benefits in terms of the consequential impacts on infrastructure, landscape, and access to countryside that would result from 750 houses is unnecessarily high.
- too many basic questions being left unanswered for the NF to reach a view on what a reasonable reduced housing number might be.
- site is poor in accessibility terms and represents an unacceptable location for new housing development.

Full text:

email and copy of KDBH forum response
Can I register a strong objection to the Council's draft Local Plan - with specific regard to the proposal to build some 1440 new houses in Knowle & Dorridge.

Attached is the reasoned response to the Plan from KDBH Forum which sums up my objection in the "summary" section.