
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4754

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Debbie Stokes

Representation Summary:

Object to housing in South Shirley as concentration of 41% of new housing in one small area is unfair, 2,500 plus houses will exacerbate severe traffic congestion on A34, Bills Lane and Haslucks Green Road, the impact will have a severe detrimental affect on local schools, medical services and transport, and loss of recreational facilities used by many local children.

Full text:

Objection - allocation 13

I am writing to voice my objection to the 2500+ new houses planned for the shirley area, in particular the plot allocation 13.
We already have severe traffic congestion daily along bills lane, the stratford rd, and haslucks green rd.
The impact of so many new houses in one small area will have a severe detrimental affect on local services such as schools, doctors, hospitals and transport.
There are several football clubs /pitches included in the overall area affected which many of the local children use. Where will our children go to play football if these are destroyed.
I believe that this is 41% of the new housing for the borough of solihull, this is a very unfair proportion for one small area of such a large borough.