
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4990

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Jacqueline Harris

Representation Summary:

Site 4, 11, 12, 13 Objection.

41% of development in area around Shirley is disproportionate.
Should be spread more fairly across Borough.
Heavy congestion on Stratford Road, M42 and surrounding roads will get worse.
Poor public transport links.
More pollution.
Insufficient parking at railway stations.
Danger to pedestrian safety.
Local schools, nurseries, doctor surgeries and hospital already unable to cope. Will need new school and surgery.
Feels Shirley is forgotten part of Solihull.
Look for options with better transport links and more direct access to M42 and A34.

Full text:

I would like to register my objection to the proposed housing development in the area known as Allocation 13.

I have lived in Shirley for ten and a half years and enjoy the semi-rural location of my home and fear that with this proposed development of Allocation 13, along with Allocations 4, 11 and 12, we will be losing important green spaces which not only enhance the area but provide open space for residents to enjoy.

The proposed development of 600 houses for Allocation 13 will leave a huge detrimental effect on the local area such as follows:-

There are 4 proposed development sites that border Shirley - surely any developments should be spread across the borough rather than having 41% in one area.

The loss of vital green space - this is a benefit to the local community and provides health benefits such as green open space, ie a vital lung to the area. Allocation 13 is used for both leisure and dog walking and gives access to local countryside and nearby canal. This area is also home to our local wildlife such as owls, bats, muntjac deer and foxes.

Congestion - The A34 Stratford Road, M42 and surrounding routes are already heavily congested and the proposed 600 homes for Allocation 13 will add an unbelievable amount of extra traffic, not to mention pollution which could lead to an increase in respiratory illnesses. I live off Bills Lane and during morning rush hour I could be waiting on occasions for a minimum of 20 cars to go past before I could pull out onto the main road. With the additional traffic this will be even worse and will just lead to tail backs on all surrounding roads. As anyone who uses this road already knows there is always congestion around the junctions where Burman Road and Shakespeare Drive meet Bills Lane. Though no doubt you will probably conduct a traffic survey at a much quieter time during mid-morning and come to the conclusion there is no such problem. I would ask that any traffic survey of roads near to the proposed site take place during rush hour to see exactly how much traffic there is at present and you will see that we will end up with roads that won't be able to cope with the extra vehicles that will result from the additional homes.

Transport links - There is already an unreliable bus service to this area of Shirley and adding extra homes will just result in an increase in traffic. Although there are two railway stations nearby - Shirley and Whitlocks End - neither of them have sufficient car parking spaces for the current number of users so how will they cope with additional users.

Pedestrians - If Allocation 13 goes ahead and the access road does join Bills Lane this will be dangerous for pedestrians as there are several points along that road where there is only footpath on one side which is also very narrow in places. Additional traffic from the new homes will be dangerous for anyone trying to cross the road, especially on winter evenings which surely must be a health and safety issue.

Health and Education - Local schools, nurseries, doctors surgeries and our local hospital at Lode Lane are already unable to cope with the number of residents in the area and with this additional residential population our vital services will be at breaking point. Solihull hospital only has a Minor Injuries unit and due to downgrades in services there we have to use Heartlands hospital which is already over-stretched. We would need to see an increase in services at Solihull in order to keep up with local demand from these new homes. Additional schools and doctors surgeries will be required because existing facilities are already full.

Unfortunately, it really feels like Shirley has previously been the forgotten area of Solihull with funds preferring to be used in poorer areas such as the north of the Borough, however, we now just appear to be a dumping ground for developers to ruin our area.

Can I please ask that you seriously reconsider the proposed development areas and look at other options which have better transport links with more direct access to the motorway and the A34.