
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 505

Received: 29/01/2017

Respondent: Muriel Lloyd

Representation Summary:

objecting to this site principally on the basis of increased traffic leading to congestion, the loss of green space and impact on the health of residents of the area.
Also concerned about the lack of PT in this area which would lead people to use their cares mores.

Full text:

I wish to put my concerns forward on this proposed site. I have newly moved into Peterbrook Road, Major's Green, Solihull only to be overwhelmed by the amount of traffic running along this road and the parallel Haslucks Green Road. We had hoped our move would alleviate the problems of traffic we were previously experiencing on Lode Lane, but found that this is in the same volume around the times of work people, school runs both morning and evening. The roads are used to get into Birmingham and the speed which cars reach is more often than not way above the warning sign of 30 mph. I have to exit my drive with great care and worry about cars suddenly appearing from either end of Peterbrook Road before I have managed to get out into the road. If this is already a very busy route then we would find ourselves virtually trapped in our drives should the proposed housing site be completed. Without better road management this will be a hazard to all along these roads.
I am also concerned that a lack of public transport on these routes will mean that everyone will take to their cars. I hope this has also been considered. Both these problems exist now and can only be made worse by a substantial building programme on the green belt. Not forgetting that green belt used to mean a green space not to be built upon so people had access to scenery and walks for the good of their health.
I hope at your final consultation you will consider all my e-mail.