
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5154

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Jill Collins

Representation Summary:

It would make so much more sense to build the houses where the jobs are going to be created, e.g. HS2, Birmingham Business Park, Jaguar Land Rover, Blythe Valley Business Park etc.
These are going to be the booming areas of the borough and the people working there are going to need homes, so it would be logical to build them in those localities.

Full text:

While I sympathise with Solihull MBC at having to plan for 6500 new homes, I must express my fervent opposition to siting 1050 of them in Knowle. Apart from all other considerations, Knowle is full!

Parking in Knowle is extremely difficult at the best of times, without any additional houses. There simply is no room to accommodate more people using Knowle village centre. Even Waitrose gave up trying!

There are very few employment possibilities in Knowle, so any new residents would have to travel away from the village to work. The parking at Dorridge station is already full, which means that most journeys would have to be by car - this goes against the accepted wisdom of encouraging use of public transport.

Those living in houses on the Arden Triangle would mainly be travelling in the direction of the M42, Solihull and Birmingham. All these cars would need to drive along Knowle High Street which is already extremely congested at rush hours and very busy throughout the rest of the day. Add to this the cars coming from the proposed Hampton Lane development, and the Warwick Road towards the motorway would grind to a halt.

It would make so much more sense to build the houses where the jobs are going to be created - e.g. HS2, Birmingham Business Park, Jaguar Land Rover, Blythe Valley Business Park etc. These are going to be the booming areas of the borough and the people working there are going to need homes, so it would be logical to build them in those localities.

Urbs in Rure. The approach to Knowle from the Warwick direction is delightful - one goes from countryside, through a handful of houses and arrives in the village centre. Development of the Arden Triangle would be seen as soon as one approached the proposed traffic island at Rotten Row corner. An absolute blot on the landscape. Please leave the Green Belt alone - it is there for a reason.

As I understand It, the idea of developing of the Arden Triangle came about because of the wish of Arden Academy for new premises. The principal has given assurance that there will be sufficient places at the new school for all pupils of secondary age moving to these new houses in Knowle. But what about primary school places? I am led to believe that the new RC primary school proposed for the Arden campus will replace the existing St George & St Theresa's school, so there is no provision in the plan for extra primary school places. An impossible situation!

A small, but I believe relevant, point: Part of the proposed new site for the academy cannot be accessed without crossing land which is in private ownership. Without access to this area, the site would be unreasonably small for such a large school. Unless, or until, access to this area can be established, the whole plan is unfeasible.

Knowle is a village which has grown considerably since the war. Newcomers have been absorbed into the community as it has expanded. However, saturation point has been reached and I beseech the council to recognise that.