
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 520

Received: 29/01/2017

Respondent: Gill Lyons

Representation Summary:

objecting on grounds of impact on the local infrastructre

Full text:

Housing development in Shirley
This morning I have walked from Bills Lane across the fields towards Miller and Carter down Tythe Barn Lane to the canal and then up to Highgate United Football club. During our walk we see notices to say that there are plans to build 600 new homes on these fields plus extra in Dickens Heath.

I would like to raise my objections about this on several different accounts.
* Where are these children going to go to school in two years time?
* How will the local doctors surgery cope with thousands of new patients?
* Where will the young people play football on Sunday morning? They cant all play at another local sports field. Especially as Highgate is also earmarked for development.
* Most importantly how on earth are our roads around Shirley going to cope with all of this extra traffic?
Please take these points into consideration.