
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 521

Received: 29/01/2017

Respondent: Malcolm Lyons

Representation Summary:

objection to the site on the grounds that it is well used and any new development will have an adverse impact on the infrastructure (physical and social) in Shirely

Full text:

Proposed Development site 13 Shirley South
I am dismayed at the proposed developments around the Shirley area and in particular this one. My concerns and objection to this are as follows:


I take and collect my grandchildren to and from both Dickens Heath School and Woodlands Infants School. in addition I have just been trying to get to Sainsbury's in Shirley. The traffic is now beyond a joke. Before any further development around the area it is imperative that thought given to expansion and improvement of the road network. This CANNOT be left as it is.


I am aware that the schools in the area are oversubscribed and the 30 limit on pupil numbers has been scrapped leading to overcrowding in classes. This can only get worse with increased development. What is the council doing to prevent this happening? I really believe that the council just doesn't care about this.

Medical Facilities

How are you going to prevent waiting times for appointments etc increasing. What are your plans to prevent this given the increased development in the area?

Loss of Sports Facilities.

My wife and I walked from Bills lane to Tanworth Lane today and for a time watched hundreds of youngsters play in a football tournament at the club indicated on your plans. What plans have you for replacing this if the development goes ahead. This is further compounded by a number of other sports fields in the area having plans to be developed. I expect you would prefer the children in question to stay in and play on their xbox?

In summary before any further developments in and around this area the Council must at first address the infrastructure issues. Why don't you just do the right thing by Shirley and Shirley residents and make this area Parkland?

I look forward to your response.