
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 525

Received: 30/01/2017

Respondent: Marike & Matthew Downes

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection

Full text:

I write this email to strongly object against the proposed development planned on South Shirley Site 13 on the Public Amenity Fields and corridor to Bills Lane in Council Plans for New Homes.

We live in 19 Stretton Road and purchased this property because this would be a quiet neighbourhood in Green Belt area.
Your proposal will directly negatively affect us and we strongly object on the following reasons:

1) We use the Fields to walk in every weekend and it is vital to our healthy living standard.
2) The traffic is already heavily congested in this area and the development of these new homes will make traffic impossible in an already bad situation. How are you planning to deal with the extra traffic as we are already struggling to get to the motorway in the mornings for work with the extra load of housing in Dickens Heath impacting on the roads? As we live on a road with fair amount of traffic it will disturb the peace as well as adding exponentially onto already long daily commute. Air and noise pollution from traffic would also increase.
3) We purchased our property specifically on the basis that it had a lot of vital Green Belt land in our area. We feel strongly that this should be preserved.
4) For all the reasons above, the value of our property would also decline as would be much less desirable for future buyers if we decide to move on.

We trust that you will take this into consideration and not pursue this project.