
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 526

Received: 30/01/2017

Respondent: Sue Dooley

Representation Summary:

concerned about the increased levels of traffic from existing developments at DH and Wythall will only be exacerbated by the new developments, as well as the loss of green belt land in the locality.

Full text:

I have recently been made aware of this draft plan so wish to make the following comments.
I have lived in Fords Road,Majors Green for 29 years and have seen the traffic increase enormously during the last few years due I believe to increased housing in our local area and Wythall and Dickens Heath.
I am extremely concerned that this proposal is for another 1300 homes which I feel our roads and local services cannot cope with being already overstretched.
Walking to and from the rail station is hazardous particularly when trying to cross at the junction of Haslucks Green Road and Tilehouse Lane and by the station.
The footway to the station is narrow, when large vehicles pass they are very close to pedestrians. I would add that my husbands arm was hit by the wing mirror of one of these vehicles when the latter happened.
Due to the current increase in vehicles Fords Road is often used as a car park by train travellers, cars are parked both sides of the road at times causing problems for delivery vehicles.
I am extremely concerned that these plans totally eliminate the Solihull green belt here causing loss of habitat to our birds and animals so much valued not only by ourselves but also newcomers to the area.