
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 533

Received: 30/01/2017

Respondent: John Ryder

Representation Summary:

Site 4 objection on the grounds that development has already led to increased levels of traffic, congestions, speeding and litter.

Full text:

I must object to the proposed plans to extend Dickens Heath estate to
the boundary with Hereford and Worcester. I live in Majors Green ( Peterbrook Road), due to house building very close currently and in the past couple of years, all Solihull area, (Aqueduct Road, Tidbury Green etc.), we can no longer get exit our driveway very easily with amount of traffic passing morning or evening. Traffic is often backed up way down Haslucks Green road and into Peterbrook.
We have had a massive increase in litter thrown from vehicles and speeding traffic during the evening and night hours.
Majors Green will become gridlocked.

There will also be a loss of green belt land and at least three community football clubs.
With some Solihull councillors constantly harping on the fact Solihull hospital cannot cope with obesity, it seems a bit hypocritical to close down these amenities.
I think this area has had enough building and loss of green areas what with ten acres of Shirley park being given away to one of the richest supermarkets in America with absolutely no gain to residents, (where is the twenty four hour parking we use to have outside the British legion, now maximum three hours).
Where are the new schools, doctors, shops???

Quite frankly Solihull council has now got a country wide reputation as the developers friends.