
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 535

Received: 31/01/2017

Respondent: Helen Blyth

Representation Summary:

site 4 objection as the level of housing proposed is disproportionate for this location esp as the road infrastructure is unable to cope with existing demand/use.

Full text:

Proposed development on Whitlocks End Farm and Dickens Heath Road
As a local resident who would be adversely affected by the proposed developments I should like to forward my observations.

Between 7.30am and 9.00am on week days the traffic can queue back from Maxstoke Croft onto Tamworth Lane trying to merge onto Tamworth Lane. This is as a result of the heavy additional traffic from Dickens Heath and Cheswick Green developments where no additional road routes have been built to service either of these huge developments - this is before the current ongoing building developments have been finished.

Judging by the current poor state of local road repairs, potholes and congestion Solihull council is unable to afford to maintain current road provisions. Will there be any additional budget on top of that allocated for the house building to improve and increase road routes to service the additional car use that will inevitably occur BEFORE the houses are built?

Will additional doctor and hospital provisions be funded? My family have needed urgent care in past and have nothing but praise for the care we received, however, there were times when the ambulance did not know where to take the patient as no beds could be found in any of the Heartlands Trust hospital. The current hospital facilities are at breaking point now; if there are to be 6000 new homes in our borough a new hospital will have to be built BEFORE the influx of extra people. Will this be included in the plans?

All housing developments will clearly be unwanted by the local residents and so platitudes are often embraced by the developers to justify their plans, one of which is, 'we must provide more homes, particularly those who want to get on the housing ladder'. My understanding is that the current average wage is £26,500, if I suggest that a financial institution will lend 5 times the salary, (which I suspect is unrealistic as over generous) just how many of these houses will be £132,500 in price to give any young adult even a remote chance of 'getting on the housing ladder'? Building lots of lovely expensive houses (>£250k) do not help local people on average wages to buy property locally! Will the council have in-built stipulation or clauses to any prospective buyers of these new homes that they can only be purchased by people that are not property owners already?

I accept that new houses will have to be built somewhere, but on the current plans, there does appear to be a disproportionate amount of homes earmarked for the Whitlocks End Farm and Dickens Heath Road site, with, for example, no intention of building any homes in Dorridge? Which is my understanding? Therefore, can you give a guarantee that all local brownfield sites have been utilised before ploughing up our fields - which once developed can never be replaced.

Consider that, perhaps one reason that Solihull is such a desirable area is that it isn't totally over developed and congested and so building on all available open spaces will ruin its character.