
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5369

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Abbotts

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as will increase traffic on already overcrowded roads around Whitlocks End station which are dangerous for children and pedestrians, result in loss of green belt and wildlife habitats, increase pressure on already oversubscribed schools and medical practices leading to degradation of services, and loss of pitches will impact sports facilities for schools and clubs.

Full text:

Proposed New Housing Plan to build 1,300 new homes in Dickens Heath
1.Increase traffic on the roads already overcrowded and dangerous for children and pedestrians crossing the roads around Whitlocks End Station and Haslucks Green Road it is already very dangerous and will only be made much worse.

2.losing the green belt land which is along the canal which is home to lots of different wildlife, once we lose this land it will never be replaced.

3.Schools and medical centres these amenities are already oversubscribed and this development will further increase demand leading to degradation of services for local residents.

4. Loss of football pitches will impact on sport facilities for children that schools and clubs that use these pitches.