
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 537

Received: 30/01/2017

Respondent: Graham Watson

Representation Summary:

Site 4 objection -concerns on traffic and ability of road Infrastructure to cope with level of traffic.

Full text:

i have lived in majors green for 34 years and object to the above on the following grounds;

Local roads and in particular Haslucks green road close to the junction with Tilehouse lane (which is where i live) is unable to cope with current traffic volumes as evidenced with a continuous queue of traffic trying to negotiate the notoriously dangerous junction with Tilehouse lane, a situation which the local highways and police are very well aware of. This proposal along with the expansion of the car park at Whitlocks end station can only make

for a higher level of road traffic accidents at this location. I accept that more houses are required but as things stand at the moment the planning process should consider whether local roads have the capacity to deal with housing expansion on this scale. My objection is based on the fact they simply do not!