
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 538

Received: 30/01/2017

Respondent: Sally Wadhams

Representation Summary:

concerned about the loss of open space and impact on flora&fauna; increased traffic and pressure on local school provision.

Full text:

I am writing to put forward my strong objection to the proposed building of a large new housing estate across the fields beside Bills woods Christmas Tree Farm at the edge of Shirley.
I am a Shirley resident and I am very upset to think that our lovely local environment could be destroyed. I have 3 young boys and we frequently enjoy walks in our local countryside, which is in walking distance of our home near Bills woods. Spending time exploring our local environment, watching nature and enjoying the countryside surrounding us are the reasons that we moved to this part of Shirley. Being outside is of huge importance to our family and we can do this so easily at the moment. We are very fortunate to live next to a woods and then being able to walk through to some fields and large open spaces is a privilege considering that we live in an already very busy area on the edge of a massive, busy city.
The impact on the local environment will be huge, let alone the increase in traffic on an already ever busy road network. Another very big concern of mine is the impact on our local schools. It is already very stressful for people not knowing which secondary school their children will be sent to and with a large increase in population then this will become a big problem.
People I have spoken to about this are equally anxious and worried and we just hope that this building work cannot go ahead. It would be completely devastating for the people living in this part of the region, let alone I'm sure the many animals and plants thriving in the fields and hedgerows along the proposed sight.

I hope you are able to carefully consider my heart-felt objection.