
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5381

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Sonia Woodbridge Oliver

Representation Summary:

Object to amount of new housing proposed for South Shirley as area already suffers from growing congestion and concerned that pressures of thousands and new homes on local services, such as schools and medical services not taken into consideration, will result in loss of sports pitches and removal of recreational amenities and have impact on existing residents future.

Full text:

Proposed housing developments in Shirley and Solihull

I wanted to lodge my huge concerns over the proposed new housing developments in Shirley and Solihull. As a Shirley resident, who primarily moved to the area four years ago to be nearer local countryside I am astonished by the amount of new housing planned. We already have growing congestion around the Bills Lane and Tile House Lane areas but have the pressure that these thousands of homes will put on local services been taken into consideration? For example, Solihull hospital has had so many of its facilities cut or completely removed. What about school places? Let alone the amount of sports pitches that will be built on and the subsequent recreation amenities removed. I find the prospect of such large scale changes quite stressful and really worry about the impact it will have on mine and my family's future in this area. We already feel that the existing infrastructure in the area cannot cope with the current demands made upon it.