
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5382

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Richard & Ruth Wise

Representation Summary:

Object to amount of housing proposed in South Shirley which involves massive overdevelopment that is disproportionate and will result in loss of breathing space and qualities that make Solihull a desirable place to live.

Full text:

Re: Solihull Local Plan Review - Draft Local Plan

We love Solihull !
One of the reasons Solihull is a desirable place to live is that unlike the overdeveloped sprawl of other areas it has some breathing space - Urbs In Rure!
The proposed housing developments contained in the Draft Plan are a massive over development of the Borough and challenge the very reason that makes it a good place to live.
Future generations will thank the Council if this element of the plan is scaled back, particularly in Shirley which bears a disproportionate burden of 41% of the proposed
units on allocated new housing sites.
Solihull could be a beacon by holding up a hand and resisting over development and saying that breathing space is important in our overcrowded island.