
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 540

Received: 30/01/2017

Respondent: Katherine Parkinson

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection as it will lead to a loss of green space for local residents and wildlife. existing pressure on road and health care.

Full text:

I would like to object to the planning application to build on fields adjacent to Tanworth Lane, Shirley.

My daughter goes to Active Angels nursery which is going to be directly impacted by the plans as they will lose green space.

I have an older child born in 2011. I am already informed that this was a high birth year and there are insufficient secondary school places, it is a mistake to add to the local population when we cannot provide services for the existing residents.

It is already a population dense area, adding to this puts pressure on roads, health care and the road network.

My children took part in Birdwatch this weekend and were delighted to see an array of wildlife in their immediate vicinity. This will undoubtedly be negatively impacted by building on green space. Please reconsider the plans to build new estates in this part of Shirley as it will be detrimental to the whole community.

I have heard that the majority of Solihull's new homes are going to be built on Shirley green space. Shirley park is not vast, the fields and football pitches serve the local community. It does not make sense to increase the population and reduce the facilities available at the same time.