
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 541

Received: 30/01/2017

Respondent: Mr Adam Hunter

Representation Summary:

the location, size and scope of this proposed development will adversely effect the community and surrounding area, it will adversely effect local residents and will become overbearing and detrimental. It will remove precious green belt, a wild life haven and a natural corridor between local communities, it will damage the local character of the area. In my view this is an inappropriate development that will harm residents

Full text:

Comment on draft local plan - proposed housing allocation 4 west of dickens Heath
As I border the proposed development I'm personally concerned about development I'm concerned about size, scope of the development and type of housing that Will be built. The proximity of new housing to my home & garden and the potential loss of privacy and my house becoming overlooked to the point of it being overbearing. Will the new housing be in keeping with size, design and type of the existing local housing. What green provision, corridors and borders be kept / crested between existing and new developments?

This development has the potential to change my local area from a rural area to an urban area this has the potential to effect the value of my own house.

I am concerned about practical matters if building occurs such as noise & disruption, dust, early morning and weekend working, construction traffic and all over a lengthy period of time to build 700 houses.

The local infrastructure also concerns me schools, doctors, dentists are struggling with the current demands, and with new housing already being built this will only be under more pressure.

The roads /parking struggle to cope with current levels of traffic, small roads and affluent multi car house holds mean that 700+ house will Add significant additional cars, and at peak times the roads are already congested.

The building will damage The local environment merging dickens Heath with Shirley, tidbury green, withal and there will be little distinction. There will be less and less green belt taking away the rural character of the area increasing the urban sprawl.

As I border one of the proposed areas I believe the wildlife of the area should be protected. The loss of habitat will damage birds, bats deer all that live in the area.

Recent and ongoing developments have already increased the size of dickens Heath way beyond what was originally planned, this proposed new development increases the pressure on all aspects of infrastructure and community.

I would question if other sites should be given increased priory over this development and if the council has truly researched other non developed area in the borough. Considering a genuinely new development rather than further extending dickens Heath.

Overall I believe the location, size and scope of this proposed development will adversely effect the community and surrounding area, it will adversely effect local residents and will become overbearing and detrimental. It will remove precious green belt, a wild life haven and a natural corridor between local communities, removing it will damage the local character of the area. In my view this is an inappropriate development that will harm residents.