
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5458

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: David Parkinson

Representation Summary:

Object to proposals for an additional 2550 houses in Shirley area as will have detrimental impact on area through loss of green area/countryside, highway infrastructure is already struggling to cope with current traffic levels especially during peak times, lack of school places to meet expected demand never mind growth which will lead to larger classes and poorer education, and medical and police services at capacity.

Full text:

Allocation 13 - objection to development plans

I'm writing in relation to the plans to seek planning consent for a number of green belt sites in the Shirley area including allocation 4, 11, 12 and the one upon which I'm am focusing allocation 13.

The plans to seek permission for a further 2550 houses of which 600 will feature in allocation 13 will have a detrimental impact on the area both in and surrounding allocation 13.

Firstly it will have a negative effect on the green area/countryside that we currently use to allow our children to enjoy the open space and countryside to view wild animals and other wildlife especially as the one of the other green areas of Shirley (Shirley Park) has been eroded via the recently built Parkgate complex and will mean that it will become a more urban area of concrete and brick and not an area which our children can enjoy or feel safe to run around and enjoy themselves without fear of vehicles being nearby.

Also to add at least the 600 houses on allocation 13 will have a significant impact on the infrastructure of the area. For example it can take over 20 minutes each morning to drive the circa 100-150 yards up Tanworth Lane onto the B4102 towards either Solihull/Monkspath and the M42 and the roads between the hours or 7.30am and 9.00am and the from circa 5.00pm to 6.00pm struggle to cope with the current traffic levels let one anything which could increase between a further 600-2550 additional houses.

Further to this as a father with two young children due to changes to school catchments areas and the overpriced housing in certain areas of Solihull there are significant challenges on school places and the Solihull Council School Report of 2016 already highlights the limitations of the current school places let alone the expected demand in the next 5 years which combined with the development plans will mean we will not have enough places for our children to grow, develop and learn and as such will add pressure to the local community and school needs via over capacity classrooms/stretched teachers and under educated children (leading to worse local social demographics and adding further pressure to the local government budgets across multiple touch points including anti-social behaviour due to less focus on supporting education and development.

Further to this there are also limited GP services in the area and also with the reduction of the Solihull Hospital A&E to minor injuries will mean our healthcare capabilities will be stretched beyond breaking point and capacity. In conjunction with the closure of the Shirley police station means we wouldn't be able to support then increased needs that come with a vastly expanded community.

I have also been informed that there are plans to build a nursing home between Active Angels nursery and tanworth lane surgery which is going to add significant chaos to the current road infrastructure immediately with more cars and a potential dangerous building area close to a nursery where children are regularly outside and will be close to the building that will take place. A nursery that my daughter goes to and I have to be honest that even now it can take 10 minutes to get out do the driveway in the morning post drop off due to inconsiderate drivers and the sheer traffic levels. God help us what this would be like with the additional 600 houses of allocation 13 let alone the short term challenged with the new nursing home.

We should preserving the green area of allocation 13 as a dedicated green area for wildlife and community area for the local residents to enjoy and preserve a space for our future generations of children to grow up safely away from the busy roads and speeding motorists that believe it's right to drive at 40 mph+ on the local roads around allocation 13.