
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5462

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Liz Moloney

Representation Summary:

Highlights need for increase in primary school facilities for new housing proposals in Knowle and Dickens Heath, in particular impact on St George and St Teresa school which has been unable to expand and is forced to exclude children in parish and with siblings at school, and whose catchment includes new developments at Balsall Common, and Hockley Heath as well as Knowle/Dorridge, which should be addressed as a matter of priority, and requests involvement in master planning process.

Full text:

For the attention of Members

Further to public consultation with parents, staff and our local community, the governors of St George & St Teresa RC Primary School
would like to respond formally to the Draft Local Plan Review.

We would like to highlight the urgent need for an increase in local primary education places proposed in the infrastructure requirements
for Items 4, 8 and 9 and particularly, the desperate need for more Catholic primary education places.

Our catchment area includes proposed significant developments in Knowle, Dorridge, Bentley Heath, Hockley Heath (part of Rural South)
and Balsall Common (Rural East). We have the largest primary catchment area in the Borough and the only Catholic Primary School
on the eastern side of the M42. As such, we will be directly affected by the plans proposed by Solihull Local Authority.
We would ask to be involved in the scoping of the Masterplan as and when you undertake it so that we are fully involved in the infrastructure
planning that must support this level of new housing development.

During recent years, local development has been substantial and whilst Local Authority schools in the area have been increased to meet
demand, St George & St Teresa has been prevented from doing so. This, despite discussion with the Local Authority regarding proportionality.
We have seen a consistent increase in demand for places at our school but, as a single form entry school, we have not had sufficient places
available to accommodate this need. We have, therefore, had to turn away local Catholic children wanting to attend our school - excluding
those who live in the local catchment area and with siblings already in our school. This means we are denying Catholic children their right
to a Catholic education - a situation which can only get worse with the increase in new housing and subsequent increase in demand for
primary places.

On behalf of the children, teachers, parents and local community, the governors of St George & St Teresa RC Primary School formally
request that the infrastructure planning, accompanying proposed development, addresses the need to increase the number of primary
Catholic places available to meet the needs of the local Catholic community.

Respectfully yours