
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5495

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: David Reynolds

Representation Summary:

Undeveloped land between Catherine-de-Barnes and the current houses on Hampton Lane, or on the other side of Hampton Lane where there are no houses all the way back to the M42 and is a much larger plot should be considered as alternatives to Site 16.

Full text:

I would like to register my objection to the proposals to build houses on the land enclosed by Hampton Lane, Field Land and Lugtrout Lane.

This is green belt land that is currently used for farming, and it came as a great shock to hear there are plans to build so many houses. My objections are as follows:

1) Hampton Lane cannot take any more traffic. It currently takes me 20-30 mins to get from my house to the traffic lights at the top of Hampton Lane in the morning and evening. Even now the cars a queuing outside my house at 8am and 5pm. This should be 2 minute journey
2) Field Lane is very narrow and it is not possible for two cars to pass safely.
3) There will be access problems for the proposed site.
4) It will put huge pressure on roads, hospitals, doctors, schools and other public services
5) You are proposing to build on green belt land.
6) The properties on Hampton Lane near to the Field Lane junction have extremely short back gardens. In addition the back gardens and farmland behind slope upwards, so any new houses would completely dominate the landscape and seriously overlook the properties on Hampton Lane. For example a typical two storey house would be much taller than the existing houses on Hampton Lane.
7) The number of houses proposed means that the plots will be very small, so even if gardens back onto existing gardens there will still be a problem due to 6 above.

I recognise that new houses need to be built somewhere, but would ask if there are any brownfield sites in the area that are suitable for development? Also I note that there is quite a lot of undeveloped land between Catherine-de-Barnes and the current houses on Hampton Lane. In addition there is a lot of land on the other side of Hampton Lane where there are no houses. This land goes all the way back to the M42 and is a much larger plot. Could either of these options be considered as alternatives?

Finally, I would like to remind you that Solihull's motto is "urbs-in-rure". If this development goes ahead I think you will need to change it!!!
