
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 5582

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Valerie Bennett

Representation Summary:

infill sites elsewhere, i.e. Dorridge.

Full text:

I would like to object to the proposed building on Allocation 13.

I strongly object to building on green belt land and believe this should only be used to build on as a last resort.
I urge the council to find alternative land.
I appreciate that more houses are needed but why doesn't the council use land in Solihull or Birmingham, where space has become available through factories etc being demolished. Also, there are infill sites elsewhere, i.e. Dorridge.
It seems that the council propose to build an awful lot of homes into a very small area in Shirley.

My husband and I live on Woodloes Road, right opposite the proposed site.
The land is used by dog walkers and people enjoying the tranquil, open space that we so often need in today's stressful world.
Apart from the loss of such a beautiful and tranquil area,I also have many concerns around the use of this land for houses.
My concerns are with building 600 houses comes all the changes that are needed to service this estate.
There would need to be access into the estate and if Woodloes RD was chosen as an access road it would have a massive impact on the traffic and cause long delays, especially at peak times, when trying to get in or out of our homes.
Our local services, such as doctors surgeries and schools will not stretch to accommodate the extra numbers of residents.
The land already has a lake on it and where would the excess water drain to, would it become a flood risk to us in the future?
When looking at the plan to build, if it goes ahead, will the council do all they can to make it asthetically pleasing as an estate?
I would like to think that the proposal is to leave enough space between Woodloes Rd and the new houses, so that we don't feel on top of each other and that we will not be staring at a brick wall of flats or similar tall buildings.
I hope the plan involves some greenery in the form of hedges bordering the proposed estate, similar to that on Monkspath estate.

I sincerely hope our objections and fears are taken seriously as Solihull Council rate payers and urge you to think again before building on Allocation 13.