
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6258

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Kirsty King

Representation Summary:

Balsall Common has 14 brownfield sites that were submitted and ignored by the council. Why?

Full text:

Sites 57, 6 and 11 in Balsall Common. You have planned to build 1150 houses, all on Green Belt land, ancient Forest of Arden and the Meriden Gap, all are protected and this is in breach of the governments white report, which specifies that building on greenbelt should be avoided when other sites are available. Balsall Common has 14 brownfield sites that were submitted and ignored by the council. Why? The above sites are farms containing footpaths, playing fields and sites of interest. Building is coinciding with HS2 and will turn the village into a building site for years.