
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6261

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Elizabeth Rand

Representation Summary:

Object to amount of land proposed for development in Shirley, as too much on green belt, the area south of Stratford Road is already congested and will not be able to cope with the amount of traffic, there are insufficient transport connections such as railway links, and loss of green areas will reduce Shirley's image from the lovely 'town in the country' it always was.

Full text:

Too much green belt land is being built on in Shirley.
The area south of the Stratford Road is already congested and will not be able to cope with the amount of traffic. There are insufficient transport connections such as railway links to these areas. By reducing the green belt areas, Shirley's image is reduced from the lovely 'town in the country' it always was.
More high density housing could be built in the north of the borough. I also disagree with the East of Solihull development of 650 units on green belt again.