
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6272

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Judith Thomas

Representation Summary:

Housing site 1 will severely impact on vital role of the green belt in preserving a distinct boundary with Coventry, supporting a vibrant range of wildlife and in providing many paths for recreation/walking etc for the community, and plans must reflect this by retaining trees and hedgerows, preserving green corridors for wildlife, potentially through the creation of substantial green buffers or tree belts which could also mitigate impacts of development, linking such spaces with existing green leisure provision such as the Lant Trust, and maintaining rural character of Meeting House Lane without significant loss of local amenity.

Full text:

The Green Belt around Balsall Common is vital in preserving a distinct boundary with Coventry and plays a valuable role within the community both in supporting a vibrant range of wildlife and in providing many paths for recreation,walking etc. The major Barratts Farm development will severely impact this and plans must reflect this by 1. retaining trees and hedgerows 2. preserving green corridors for wildlife, potentially through the creation of substantial green buffers or tree belts to protect existing residents from new build 3. linking such spaces with existing green leisure provision such as the Lant Trust.