
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6287

Received: 15/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Christine West

Representation Summary:

Site 1 would destroy a huge area of Green Belt accessible to the community and reaching the Kenilworth Greenway, criss-crossed with regularly used footpaths, and fields where wheat is grown and cows pastured, with no other footpaths nearby for people on this side of the village, whilst a park would never replace this amenity, whilst traffic will be unmanageable as 800 houses will probably produce 1600 cars, and some access points are minor lanes and will not cope with this volume of traffic. The Council needs to give details of brownfield sites which have been rejected, and reasons for this.

Full text:

Selection criteria (Q3) have not been correctly applied in Balsall Common because all sites are in the Green Belt and the scoring for the different sites lacks clear criteria. The Borough needs to give details of brown field sites which have been rejected, and reasons for this. The selection of Barratts Farm is unmanageable.
800 houses will probably produce 1600 cars. Some access points are minor lanes and will not cope with this volume of traffic.