
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6292

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Linda Homer

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 as reduces gaps between settlements contrary to the objectives of Challenge E, increasing urban sprawl and merging communities with consequent loss of identity, will impact on an area of biodiversity and habitat of value, an important area for local wildlife and valuable amenity space in Shirley that brings health and wellbeing benefits to the local residents and the area, inadequate infrastructure which cannot be mitigated, increase in pollution, and there would be significant effects on the water table in the area, both in terms of run-off and drainage.

Full text:

Under "Challenge K - Protecting and enhancing our natural assets" I was disappointed to see that there isn't equal weighting given to the natural environment that borders Shirley. Allocation 13 is an area of biodiversity and habitat of value, an important area for local wildlife in Shirley. We have lost too many of these areas already.
Challenge E - Protecting key gaps between urban areas and settlements.
Building houses on Allocation 13 is contrary to the objectives of this challenge. I live in Shirley South adjacent to the Green Belt and can testify to the biodiversity that still exists in this area and the benefits it brings to the local residents and the area.