
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6300

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Angela Stuart-Smith

Representation Summary:

I agree Frog Lane - Oakes farm site suitable. Traffic kept out of centre of village and numbers sustainable plus easy access to Warwick, M40.

Full text:

I don't agree with housing on Barretts Farm site. It is green belt, in Meriden gap and Coventry gap. HS2 is planned thru it plus extra road from Kenilworth. Traffic thru middle village causing even more gridlock! Other brownfield sites in village ignored, Wootton green Lane etc. I agree Frog Lane - Oakes farm site suitable. Traffic kept out centre village and numbers sustainable plus easy access to A45, Warwick, M40. Already sustained 2 large housing sites plus some presently being built. 1300 houses proposed would increase village by a quarter ! Ludicrous.