
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6304

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Mark Howard

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 12 as there will be a significant increase in traffic on busy roads that are extremely congested during peak periods leading to increased pollution and damage to roads already blighted by potholes, whilst the loss of green space and resultant impact on wildlife habitat will have an adverse effect on the quality of our life in Solihull. It would be nice to see more effort being made to uphold the borough's motto: Urbs in Rure, Town in the Country.

Full text:

Reference allocations 12 and 13. We object to these developments. There will be a significant increase in traffic on busy roads that are extremely congested during peak periods. This will lead to increased pollution and damage to roads already blighted by potholes. Coupled with the loss of green space and resultant impact on wildlife habitat there will be an adverse effect on the quality of our life in Solihull. It would be nice to see more effort being made to uphold the borough's motto: Urbs in Rure, Town in the Country.