
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6313

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Julie Cooper

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 1 as the volume of houses proposed (800) is disproportionate to the area, which lacks the infrastructure to support that number of houses, the existing road network will not cope with the changes proposed, will exacerbate problems associated with the construction of HS2, and loss of green belt is not justified by exceptional circumstances.

Full text:

The green belt sites are the majority of the proposals. Recent government announcements are that green belt should only be used in exceptional cases. Solihull council is using green belt in exceptional circumstances. The site on Barrett's lane in balsall common is of particular concern linked to the construction of hs2 and the volume of houses proposed (800) which is disproportionate to the area and the green belt being proposed and the lack of infrastructure to support that number of houses. The existing road network will not cope with the changes proposed.