
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6337

Received: 01/02/2017

Respondent: Mr John Thornhill

Representation Summary:

There should be no building houses on green belt farm land. Where are we going to get our food from during the next war?
There is no extra provision for parking in the village centre.
How will the roads cope with the increase in pupil numbers at the local schools. Drop off and pick up time is terrible now.
Frog Lane development. We keep cattle in a field in the winter in Frog Lane and with all the extra traffic, lights and noise etc. we won't be able to use it. So that will be the end of our business!

Full text:

There should be no building houses on green belt farm land. Where are we going to get our food from during the next war?
There is no extra provision for parking in the village centre.
How will the roads cope with the increase in pupil numbers at the local schools. Drop off and pick up time is terrible now.
Frog Lane development. We keep cattle in a field in the winter in Frog Lane and with all the extra traffic, lights and noise etc. we won't be able to use it. So that will be the end of our business!