
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6401

Received: 05/12/2016

Respondent: Mrs Geri Silverton

Representation Summary:

Whilst I understand the need for extra housing I feel Dickens Heath has had more than its fair share. These plans propose expanding it by 60% without any additional amenities and the infrastructure cannot cope, with car based journeys to the village centre where walking was envisaged. Loss of semi rural village character.

Full text:

Point 87.
Dickens Heath Village was specifically designed to be an independent village with its own infrastructure. The village has been continually expanded and expanded - the current additions are still being built. The village infrastructure simply cannot cope. Main Street was built as a collection of local shops that residents could easily walk to. This has been lost, with cars parked everywhere is has become unsafe and the local businesses suffer.

Whilst I understand the need for extra housing I feel Dickens Heath has had more than its fair share.
These plans propose expanding it by 60% without any additional amenities.

The moto on Dickens Heath's coat of arms is 'In the Countryside we Flourish'. Families moved here in promise of a semi-rural village life.