
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6422

Received: 23/12/2016

Respondent: Mr Robert James

Representation Summary:

There is no provision for increased car parking in Knowle. 1050 new homes will surely lead to at least 1000 extra cars driving on local roads and needing to park near to local shops. Current parking arrangements are inadequate for today's needs, with inappropriate parking on pavements and grass verges, and this can only get worse. While bus services and cycle lanes are a good thing the reality is that the majority of journeys will be by car for the convenience, speed and ability to convey heavy shopping loads.

Full text:

There is no provision for increased car parking in Knowle. 1050 new homes will surely lead to at least 1000 extra cars driving on local roads and needing to park near to local shops. Current parking arrangements are inadequate for today's needs, with inappropriate parking on pavements and grass verges, and this can only get worse. While bus services and cycle lanes are a good thing the reality is that the majority of journeys will be by car for the convenience, speed and ability to convey heavy shopping loads.