
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 6423

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Keith Tindall

Representation Summary:

Inherent danger that large scale development of the kind proposed for Balsall Common and Berkswell will make it a less attractive area in which to live, and this must be of major consideration in the Local Plan.
Urbanisation of countryside.
Major investment needed in local services and infrastructure.
Loss of Green Belt.
Need for clear defensible Green Belt boundaries.
Loss of wildlife.
Loss of landscape character.
Loss of green infrastructure assets.

Full text:

There is an inherent danger that large scale development of the kind proposed for Balsall Common and Berkswell in the rural east of the Borough risks making it a less attractive area in which to live, and this must be of major consideration in the Local Plan.
It seems that draft plan fails to fully recognise this, but instead simply sees areas of open countryside that it is happy to urbanise without fully considering the consequences.